
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    At our current location in Lesotho, there is a church on the property. For each Sunday that we are here, our two teams were asked to have sermons prepared to share with the congregation. 

    This morning, my friend got up to preach on our identity in Christ. He concluded with Luke 15. He pointed out how all three of the stories found in Luke 15 have something in common. Even though the sheep was lost, the sheep was still the shepherds’. Even though the coin was lost, the coin was still the woman’s. Even though the son had walked away and was lost, he was still the father’s. It just resonated in my soul. Those that walk away from the faith are still the Father’s. The Bible tells us that heaven rejoices when the wayward come back home. 

    The sermon reminded me of why I am passionate about sharing the Gospel. The lost need to hear what Jesus has done for them and who God is. It reminded me of the fact that I truly have no chill when it comes to evangelizing.  I’ve never been very quite and calm on the things I’m passionate about but now I see God use it for His glory. 

    There have been moments recently when I’ve been upset with the Lord and am confused on what He wants from me. I’ve felt messy, raw, and discouraged. Even in those moments though I can’t help but share when the opportunity arises. It pours out of me and I can’t stop myself from sharing the Good News.  I know it’s the Holy Spirit moving because honestly sometimes I don’t even know how we got on the topic of Jesus. I see how He is using this gift He’s given me for His glory. 

    I was talking to a close friend of mine the other day about it. I said, “I truly don’t understand. It’s like I can’t stop myself. Right now my relationship with the Lord feels messy and I’m confused but yet I can’t stop myself from evangelizing and I don’t understand why.” He was patient as I rambled and reminded me that I love the Lord and the Lord loves me. That’s why it pours out of me. The Lord sees me in these moments and still wants to use me for His glory. I am called to evangelize to the nations and can’t help but speak when the Holy Spirit asks me to. 

   The story in John 4 often comes to mind when I think of evangelism. I’ve deeply loved the story of the women at the well. So much so that I preached a sermon on it last week. Something stuck out to me this time that has been at the forefront of my mind. In John 4:13-14, Jesus says,“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The question came to mind, what happened when something wells up? It eventually will overflow. We see by the end of the story that once the women received the living water, she had to run and tell everyone what Jesus did. It’s just like when we receive living water, it overflows from us. It’s why we share the Gospel. It’s why we testify to what the Lord has done. It’s why we evangelize because we can’t keep this Good News to ourselves. 

    I know that God has called me, like He has called you, to evangelize. So this week I pray you have no chill and allow the Holy Spirit to move through you and share the Gospel.  

2 responses to “I Have No Chill”

  1. Hello Sweet Em! This is so beautiful, the Lord truly has called you to evangelize. What an amazing call this is the bring the Gospel message to everyone you meet. I’m so glad you can’t keep quiet about it!!! We love you so much Em! Praying always for you.

  2. Jeremiah 20:9, keep being a freaking STAR in the Kingdom. how beautifully He has gifted you!!!